About the Author

Here's a little about me, and how I started writing...

First and foremost, I am a single mother of 3 beautiful children, two boys and one girl. They are the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I go to work for that paycheck, and the reason I smile so big, it could probably light up the sky.

I grew up in Southern California, moving to Central California about 6 years ago. Just recently, back in February 2012, my children and I moved to Washington State (only 4 hours from Forks!), and I am absolutely in love with the expanse of GREEN everywhere! It's beautiful here...

As for my love of writing....well...

I started writing as a young girl, always dabbling in poetry and short stories. They weren't anything fancy, but they meant the world to me. Over the the last year, I discovered the wonderful world of Fanfiction because, I too like a lot of other people, fell in love with a certain vampire series. After I had finished the books, I wanted more. I craved more. So, I did an internet search and found the lovely world of fanfiction and, like they say, the rest is history!

I am currently working on something original...'working on' are the key words, people! Maybe one of these days I can share that with all of you as well!

You know...somebody recently asked me how it is so easy for me to write the way I do. My answer to that...it's not! The old broad needs all her brain cells to kick it into gear to break out the funny times! But, at the end of the day, it's all worth it just to hear about someone nearly peeing their pants by what I've written. Or, the one about a reader spitting coffee all over her desk because "It was so damn funny!" Or even, the young lady sitting in her college class, the entire room quiet, and she breaks out in a fit of laughter because the last update I did threw her for a loop! That, folks, that makes it all worth it!

If you'd like to know more, drop me a question down below, and I was answer all them the best that I can!


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